August 5, 2016

After the Opening Ceremony

I missed over half of the Opening Ceremony of Rio's 2016 Olympic Opening Ceremony, but I arrived just in time to hear Thomas Bach announce the Olympic Opening Ceremony and award the Laurel to Kipchoge Keino along with Bach's amazing speech. I highly recommend you watch all of that if you didn't see it. Like I said, I missed most of it, but I thought that there could be nothing better than that moment. 

In that moment, it was a reminder to me of all the good the Olympic does for people. In the end, this is not about separate teams competing for themselves, this about a world meeting together in the midst of an uncertain future and allowing our difference to be ignored for a time. This is about teamwork, friendship and being together competing in activities and sports that we all love. Sports are a language we can all understand, and it is a great place to begin to understand love, compassion and empathy. it's just an amazing thing to think about.

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