This is the last thing I want to be right now.
For the past two hours I've been tossing back and forth in my little bed and trying to find that "comfort" spot in my bed. Switching between being too hot or too cold I finally resorted to stop trying to fall asleep...because obviously sleep doesn't feel like its time yet.
So I finally just gave up trying and here I am now.
You're probably asleep right now. I rather envy you, fellow reader. I wish I were asleep. I wish my eyes would just close and that my lids would just settle down. I wish my body would relax and that my mind would still...sadly my mind has a lot to think about right now.
Would you like to know what is on my mind?
If you said no, it'd be best to stop reading now because I'm about to go into great detail about what is on my mind. Thanks for stopping by, feel free to go back to sleep. I envy you too.
Where to begin.
1. I want a pet.
This weekend I had the absolute privilege to tend my brother's dog. His name is Casey and is the most adorable little fluff ball. I spent two nights with him and just had the best time bonding with him. I didn't hardly leave my brother's house (except for when I realized I left my toothbrush at home...Macey's run!) and just chilled on the couch with this little dog. AND I didn't binge on Netflix once. I did force my friend to watch Winx Club with me though...we'll come back to that. And I did start the extended edition of the first Hobbit film...but I fell asleep. Though I was delighted to see the extended scene of my baby Thrandy. I adore my elf king. And the whole time, Casey would curl up right next to me and sleep or he'd lick my toes....which is weird....but in Casey's case, it was a weird way...I need to change the subject now.

For the longest freaking time I was a major anti-Snapchat user...and I keep wanting to say that I still am....but how can I after I put up like five photos on My Story today. I'd be a hypocrite.
I still believe that its stupid to use Snapchat as your go-to tool for communication, especially if you're only going to snap a blurry picture of your carpet just so you can respond with, "haha, you're so funny! #funny2016". Seriously people. That's stupid. But I also now understand the appeal after I was juggling two separate Snapchat conversations about monkeys with one and big beds with another. And all of the photos seemed to keep in pace with or even add to the conversation. Gosh, I've turned into a convert guys...I don't know how to feel.
3. Tumblr
Another social media outlet that I have conflicted feelings about. I do believe I've mentioned it before. It's a great place if you like a certain movie or show or video game because tumblr is the place where fans go to discuss and share their enthusiasm for the things they love. I currently follow about 200 blogs dedicated to Winx Club, Uta no Prince Sama, The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings along with various art blogs. My blog is pretty new and I don't visit it very often, but I imagine over time, I'll start to pull in a few other fandom-related blogs. I could really go for a nice Zelda blog. Yeah, that's what I need.
The thing I like about tumblr isn't necessarily the community, I could take it or leave it, what I love is the inspiring creation that people make, even if its just a cheesy quote made on photoshop, those are some of my favourites actually. I just think its a great place for people to create inspiration and to be inspired. And I'm a pro inspiration kind of gal.
4. Fangirls
5. Podcasts and Radio Shows

6. Winx Club.
And this is where practically everything that's been on my mind besides Snapchat and fangirls come together. During my time with Casey I had a lot of free time which I spent watching Winx Club and flipping through tumblr looking at Winx Club blogs. During my tumblring, I found a blog that was actually a podcast where they discuss anything and everything Winx Club. Not even joking. I listened to one episode already and am in heaven. They literally said everything I've thought my entire life (except for Sparx shipping, I have a better ship than that...hehehehe) and it felt so great to hear other people my age connect through a silly little cartoon. We all agreed that Season 3 was by far the best season of all time and had the best villain (may my baby Valtor be blessed forevermore) and the best fairy transformation (Enchantix) and probably the best plotline with the least amount of plot holes. I realize that none of you will get this, but if you watched it, you just might.
So is that the end of the story? You found a Winx Club podcast and you're happy now?
Nope, that's not the end, though we are getting close because I'm finally starting to feel a bit tired. (It's now 2:00 in the morning....ugh)
So all of these silly things in my mind have me suddenly thinking about Winx club, podcasts, and blogs and all that stuff. I feel like I've brought up ideas very similar to this one before; but I'd love to blog more about the fandoms and the geeky things that I like. I know that this blog is a bit more personal than it is geeky, but who owns this blog? Me. And whoever said that rules couldn't be broken? I mean have you read Harry Potter? Rules get broken all the time in that series and look how great everyone turned out? Harry has a bunch of kids named after dead people, he seems pretty content now. Oh geeze, I can't believe my 2:00 am fingers just typed that...
So I'd like to make myself a goal, whether it be on this blog or my tumblr blog (I'll let you nonexistent followers know just because I know how desperate you are to read my words as if they were written by the goddess J.K. Rowling herself. Ha. ha. Ha.). The goal is to write a geek/fandom related blog once a week. I think at first I'll start with just telling you guys about a fandom I'm in and what the show/book/movie is about and sort of give a review of how I feel about the show....and if it goes swell we can start delving deeper into certain shows, because I'd love to start a discussion on just how simply ah-mazing Valtor is and why he needs to come back to Winx Club and wreak some havoc and sweep Daphne off of her feet (that's right Sparx shippers, I totally blew your minds by shipping Valtor with a girl he's never met....but let's face it, they're perfect for each other. Forget Thoren. It's Valtor all the way for big sister Daphne). Or we could discuss why Cloud Strife is literally perfection. Or I could bore you all with my unhealthy obsession with all things Tolkien. And I will not forget to have a Ren Jinguji appreciation week...because my Japanese boyfriend. I think this could be a lot of fun...even if I am writing to 2:00 in the morning.
Okay, I think I'm going to leave this where it's at. Thanks to anyone who actually read this and thank you to Rainbow, for making the show that is Winx Club....I wouldn't have anything to blog about right now if Winx Club didn't exist, and I would probably have a boyfriend by now if it weren't for you....but you know what, that's okay. I'm still young.
Oh heaven help me in my quest for sleep now....
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