June 30, 2014

A Testimony of the Plan of Salvation

Another dear friend of mine, K, has lost their father. I feel like I am reliving last month all over again. The confusion, the hurt, and the need to help yet not knowing how.

It's been really hard lately to talk about death. Three of my coworkers have lost someone: one's father died of diabetes, one died of brain cancer, and one died a natural death. Then there were two deaths in my own ward, both were elderly people. Less than a year ago, a son of my dad's coworker was killed on his mission, and a month ago another of my dad's coworkers died. Kennedy Hansen died recently also, and then Jason's father and now K's father.

For the longest time now, I have wondered to myself, "Why are so many people dying? And why all at the same time?" I was confused and I was hurting for my friends.

But then after Jason's father's death and also the death of one of his own friends, my dad mentioned something that completely changed my perspective. He said that they were being sent to the other side in order for their family work to be done. Some of these families don't have a helping hand on the other side, and need one. Heavenly Father is calling his faithful followers back to him in order for His work to hasten. It brought comfort to me. These families aren't being punished. They are being blessed. They now have an angel to look after them and to assure that their family work is done. And I don't think it is a coincidence that most of these individuals are priesthood holders.

It's because of what my dad said that I can still smile at this time. I know that all of these people were faithful members of the church, they were righteous followers and they have a strong testimony.

I can testify that the Plan of Salvation is true. There is a reason why some people call it the Plan of Happiness because in the end, we will see our loved ones again and we will be happy. That is what the Gospel is all about. To bring families together again and bring about pure and true happiness. It will be hard for us to live without the people we love, but we can celebrate their lives, and celebrate the fact that they made it. They are safe and they are blessed. How grateful I am to live in a church that teaches me that death is not the end. How grateful I am to know that I will see my cousin who passed away in 2011, that my friends will see their fathers again. How grateful I am to know that mothers will one day be able to hold their stillborn child, but this time with the child full of life, and how grateful I am to be sealed to my family for time and all eternity.

It's just like the Primary song teaches:

Families can be together forever,
Through Heavenly Father's plan
I always want to be with my own family,
And the Lord has shown me how I can.

I bear testimony that this church is true. It is a comfort to me in times like these, and I know it can bring comfort to every one who opens their heart to its teachings. I know that families are forever, and that one day we will all be united again. I know that if we hold strong and remain faithful, that one day we ourselves will go to heaven and join our loved ones.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Revelation 21:4

"Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and resurrection--Behold, it had been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who game them life." Alma 40:11

June 25, 2014

Fabulous Nonsense

So I want to write, but I honestly have no idea what to write about. I've started this draft over multiple times. At first it was going to be about Fictional Characters, and then it was going to be about serious things like growing up, and then it was going to be about my life, and now it's just me typing absolute nonsense.

But nonsense is good sometimes, right?

Well, if you are the Mad Hatter, nonsense is fabulous!

So I guess today is all about being fabulous, and maybe catching up on my life. That does seem sort of important since this blog is written to chronicle my life. It would defeat the purpose to talk about my neighbor's life, what fun would that be?

So in a single word I'm going to describe my summer so far:


That's right. For the past two to three weeks I have had only like two days off. Is that not brutal? When you are standing for five and a half hours every single day with only one ten-minute break to sit down, your body begins to hate you. It starts with the heels, then the ankles, then the back, and then suddenly the rest of your body wants to join in the pain just for the fun of it until your whole body is aching and you have this massive headache, and then you become exhausted, collapse into bed without showering, and then wake up realizing you have to do it all over again! Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love working with people and making them smile, I just wish it didn't require me to stand the whole freaking time!

But I can't exactly change rules that were enforced long before I was even born, so I continue to stand and wait for my body to crumple into a heaping, pathetic pile of pain and defeat.

Don't worry, it's really not all that bad. But it is disappointing to know that your whole summer is being spent in a grocery store. Not my idea of an ideal graduating senior summer. 

But I really can't complain since 1) I went to Disneyland, 2) I'm going to Hank Green and the Driftless Pony Club concert and 3) I'm going to the Goo Goo Dolls concert.

And then there is Netflix.

I have watched far too many episodes of Winx Club, Sherlock, Robin Hood, and Supernatural lately. I sometimes wish I could pause time so I can hurry and watch a season and then come back to real time without having wasted a single minute. I can't believe how quickly time disappears when you just sit and binge watch, and then you realize you just spent 12 hours in front of the TV.

So I guess my summer hasn't been so bad. I was able to meet with Jason and we had the most amazing discussion about the Plan of Salvation. I am so impressed with Jason. During our conversation he smiled wide and said, "My dad is where he is meant to be and I just know he is doing whatever work needs to be done." It's faith like that makes the difference. Jason could easily be upset at God for taking his father, but his faith and his love made it possible for him to see that his father and his family are actually being blessed. I was so proud to see Jason talk about his mission. It's amazing to see these missionaries turn into real men first hand. I can remember when Jason was just Jason, but now he is so much more and he is going to do amazing things now that he is back on his mission.

So I guess the main point of this blog post is that you should never put off writing. I could write so much more fabulous nonsense, but I may bore you to tears. So let me wish you all a wonderful life and remember that each of you are precious children of God and He loves you!